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Nuxflare Pro: The Complete Nuxt + Cloudflare Starter Kit

Everything you need to build and deploy enterprise-grade Nuxt apps and start shipping features from day one.

Buy Now for $349 $149

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Here's what Nuxflare Pro deploys for you:

Architecture diagram

Complicated? Maybe. We take care of the hard parts so you can build what matters.

Team Auth

Complete team management, roles, and permissions.

  • Email/Password, OTP and Social Sign-in
  • Password Recovery
  • Team Management and Invites
  • Role-Based Access Control
  • User and Team Settings


Ready-to-go billing with Stripe and Paddle. Easily swap payment providers or add your own.

  • Stripe and Paddle Integration
  • Billing and Subscription Management
  • Plans and Pricing Cards
  • Modular Payment API

Notifications & Emails

Email templates with React Email. Works with any provider: Resend, Brevo, SparkPost, SES, Mailgun, or custom SMTP.

  • Cloudflare Worker for Emails
  • React Email Templates
  • Multiple Provider Support
  • Real-Time In-App Notifications


Complete landing page, blog, docs, and legal pages.

  • Landing Page Components
  • Blog and Documentation
  • Site-wide Search
  • Privacy and Legal Pages
  • Nuxt Content Integration

Production Ready

Deploy to your Cloudflare account with a single command.

  • Infrastructure as Code with & Pulumi
  • Multi-environment deployments
  • GitHub Actions CI/CD

Developer Experience

Fully typed Nuxt codebase with tRPC and modern tooling. Built to be modular and maintainable.

  • End-to-end TypeScript
  • Fully Typed APIs with tRPC
  • Modular Monorepo Setup


Leverage the full power of Cloudflare's ecosystem.

  • Cloudflare D1, KV and R2
  • AI Gateway and Vectorize
  • Async Jobs with Cloudflare Queues and Cron Triggers
  • Websockets with Cloudflare Durable Objects

SEO & i18n

Built-in SEO optimization and internationalization.

  • i18n Support with Language Switcher
  • Sitemaps (coming soon) and robots.txt
  • Meta Tags and OG Images
  • Prerendering

Power Features

AI, analytics and more. Ready-to-use demos and integrations.

  • AI Demos
  • Vector Search
  • Rate Limiting (coming soon)
  • Nuxflare AI (coming soon)
Infrastructure as Code
Team Auth
Role-Based Access Control
D1 + Drizzle ORM
NuxtHub compatible
Multi-environment Deployments
Queues and Cron Jobs
AI Demos
Rate Limiting

Hey there!

I'm Tanay, the founder of Nuxflare.

After 4 months of hard work, I'm thrilled to finally launch Nuxflare Pro - your ultimate toolkit to deploy Nuxt on Cloudflare.

We've tried running Nuxt on many platforms like AWS, Vercel, Render, NuxtHub, etc. And we found that Nuxt works best with Cloudflare.

With Nuxflare Pro, we are pushing the limits of what's possible on Cloudflare. We make it simple to use Cloudflare's powerful features like Durable Objects by providing higher-level tools while also letting you dive into lower-level details when you want.

Cloudflare is great for AI projects because it has everything you need: Durable Objects, Browser Rendering, and AI Gateway. I'm excited for the future of the Cloudflare Developers Platform with the updates they are bringing in. As Cloudflare keeps improving, we are committed to delivering the best possible experience and helping you get the most out of the platform.

What's Next

There's a lot of cool stuff happening in the ecosystem and I'm excited to bring it to you soon:

  • Pulumi Updates: We're waiting on some updates from the Pulumi team — Nuxflare works on top of + Pulumi — to make the infrastructure side of things more robust for Nuxflare.
  • New Cloudflare Features: Cloudflare Pub/Sub and Cloudflare Workflows are currently in beta.
  • Nuxflare AI: We're building a complete AI toolkit that will let you build full-stack apps and deploy infrastructure without writing code.
  • More: We're adding more packages and demos to the monorepo: an admin panel, waitlists, feedback collection.

Limited-Time Offer

For a limited time, you can get lifetime access to Nuxflare Pro for a one-time payment of $149. This price will go up to $349 soon. You'll get all future updates and features, including Nuxflare AI when it launches. As an added bonus, you'll receive insider access to our GitHub repositories (this website's source code, and other cool ideas that we work on).

Your purchase also directly supports Nuxflare (which is open-source). Our goal is to gradually open-source all components of Nuxflare Pro, building the most comprehensive open-source deployment toolkit.

Join Our Community

Come join us on Discord! I’d love to chat about all things Nuxt and Cloudflare, answer your questions, and hear your feedback.

Tanay Karnik
Tanay KarnikCreator of Nuxflare
Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Nuxflare Pro.

Unlike other starter kits that try to work everywhere, we've built Nuxflare Pro specifically for Cloudflare. This lets us tackle the tricky parts of Cloudflare development head-on—things like deployments, infrastructure as code, async jobs, and WebSockets.

We stay on top of Cloudflare's latest features and API updates to make sure you're getting the absolute best experience on the platform.

Absolutely! Check out the full demo at:

You'll get immediate, lifetime access to the private Nuxflare Pro GitHub repositories containing the entire codebase. This includes all future updates, improvements, and new features we add.

Yep. All this and more—for a lifetime. We're offering this special launch price to our first wave of early adopters.

We don't offer refunds since you receive instant access to our source code upon purchase. Before buying, we encourage you to try our demo and review our documentation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email or Discord.

Yes, we provide documentation and Discord community support. For direct support, you can reach out to us via email too with any questions.

Yes, this is a lifetime access license. Pay once and get all future updates at no additional cost.

Yes, you can use this boilerplate for unlimited commercial projects. Each purchase includes a perpetual license for unlimited deployments. Check the license page for the complete terms.

Yes! Nuxflare Pro is our primary development stack that we use daily for our client work at Foo Studio. We actively maintain all dependencies, fix bugs, and regularly add new features.

Ready to get started with Nuxflare Pro?

Get the best Nuxt experience on Cloudflare. Secure your lifetime access now at $149.

Get Lifetime Access for $149