
Build beautiful, searchable documentation with Nuxt Content. Includes built-in components, and responsive design.

Nuxflare Pro comes with a complete documentation system built on Nuxt Content.

As you add features, simply add new markdown files and they'll automatically be included in navigation and search.

What's Included

Nuxflare Docs Screenshot

  • Pre-configured Nuxt Content setup
  • Beautiful, responsive documentation theme
  • Built-in components for common documentation needs
  • Full-text search capability
  • Mobile-optimized navigation
  • Dark mode support

File Structure

Documentation lives in your packages/web/content/docs directory with a simple, intuitive structure:

Custom Components

Create reusable documentation components in packages/app/app/components/content:

  <div class="my-4 p-4 border rounded-lg">
    <div class="font-mono">{{ method }} {{ endpoint }}</div>
    <p class="mt-2 text-gray-600">{{ description }}</p>

<script setup>
defineProps(["method", "endpoint", "description"]);

Use them in your markdown:

::api-endpoint{method="GET" endpoint="/api/v1/users" description="List all users"}

Full-text search is included out of the box. Powered by Nuxt Content.


export default defineNuxtConfig({
  content: {
    highlight: {
      langs: ["ts", "vue", "prisma", "bash"],
      theme: {
        default: "github-light",
        dark: "github-dark",
        sepia: "monokai",
    experimental: {
      search: {
        indexed: true,