
Nuxflare Pro comes with a simple WebSockets pub/sub implementation based on Cloudflare Durable Objects.

The WebSocket implementation uses Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects to provide real-time capabilities.


  • Frontend WebSocket client in packages/app/app/plugins/websockets.ts
  • Backend WebSocket server in packages/functions/src/websockets.js
  • Infrastructure setup in infra/websockets.ts



The WebSocket client is available as a Nuxt plugin. Access it in your components:

// In your component
const { $ws } = useNuxtApp();

// Subscribe to topics
$ws.on("user.123", (data) => {
  // Handle topic payload
  console.log("Got update:", data);

// Cleanup when done
onUnmounted(() => {

The client automatically:

  • Handles authentication using access tokens
  • Reconnects on connection drops
  • Resubscribes to topics after reconnection


Publish messages to topics:

async ({ ctx: { user, sendWebsocketsEvent }, input }) => {
  // ...create notification in database...
  await sendWebsocketsEvent(
    user.id, // topic id
      // topic payload
      type: "notification",
      payload: notification


  • Authentication uses OpenAuth.js JWT tokens passed via WebSocket protocol headers
  • Topic authorization is easily customizable. Control access to specific topics based on user roles, permissions, or other criteria.


Enable WebSockets by setting the websockets flag in your configuration:

export const flags = {
  // ...
  websockets: true,

This will:

  1. Deploy the WebSocket Worker
  2. Set up Durable Objects
  3. Configure the frontend client